
A practical analysis by Rodrigo Copetti

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電子遊戲主機的進化史是如此地迷人。 一直以來個人電腦都是採取「逐步漸進」地發展方式,然而新世代的遊戲主機卻呈現了另一種截然不同的樣貌。 您將在這裡看到一系列文章,為您揭示最新技術趨勢背後的原理。 同時還將說明為什麼每個系統不能單純地用「xx 位元」、「oo 兆赫」、或是記憶體的大小來概括其性能。

這不是開發手冊,只是對遊戲主機系統內部工作原理的深入介紹。 請記住,技術隨著時間發展到非常複雜的程度,所以如果您對最新文章的理解感到吃力,或許可以先讀讀更早的文章。 這些文章介紹了許多概念和定義,以及在技術的發展中,這些概念與定義也經常地被重新審視。

儘管閱讀本書最好有基礎的計算機知識,但我仍盡力讓內容能夠通俗易懂,所以不用害怕嘗試! 但若仍遇到不懂的地方,也可以先翻翻這個 相關閱讀材料

雖然我行文力求準確,但如果您發現任何錯誤,請 與我聯繫提出修改建議


3rd generation

Known as '8-bit' consoles, these machines brought more sophisticated graphics and richer sounds than their predecessors. After all, a big market crash just occurred and newer standards had to be set.

Outstanding GPU features: Scrollable tile maps and larger colour palettes.

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) (in English)

More than a 6502 machine

Sega Master System (in English)

Competent out of the box

4th generation

DMA, horizontal interrupts, multiple modes... These are some examples of the new concepts that brought the new '16-bit' generation, opening the door to new genres of games.

Notable CPU advancements: Multiplication and division instructions, DMA and dual-processing.

Outstanding GPU features: Affine transformations and horizontal interrupts.

PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16 (in English)

A small but quick leap

Mega Drive / Genesis (in English)

New techniques of composition

Game Boy / Color (in English)

Simple and portable

Super Nintendo (in English)

Old hardware with mind-blowing features

5th generation

3D gaming has become a need but 'how' is not clear yet. The response? Every company presented their own different vision.

Notable CPU advancements: Pipeline stages and L1 cache.

Outstanding GPU features: Programmable vertex pipelines, Z-buffering and perspective corrections.

Sega Saturn (in English)

What can you do with 8 processors?

PlayStation (in English)

A confident newcomer

Virtual Boy (in English)

Hidden potential with an unfortunate ending

Nintendo 64 (in English)

A constrained performant

6th generation

Most of the graphics limitations from the previous generation are no more. Portable consoles start to resemble familiar systems.

Notable CPU advancements: Superscalar architectures, SIMD instructions and L2 cache.

Outstanding GPU features: Programmable pixel pipelines and anisotropic filters.

Dreamcast (in English)

One last attempt

PlayStation 2 (in English)

Overshadowing superiors

Game Boy Advance (in English)

New partnerships powered by two AA batteries

GameCube (in English)

Eloquent engineering

Xbox (in English)

A feared competitor

7th generation

Consoles have evolved into supercomputers and multimedia hubs. These machines are now more capable than just playing games, which is why security is now a critical factor.

Notable CPU advancements: Thread level parallelism and symmetrical multi-core architectures.

Outstanding GPU features: Unified shader model and HDR rendering.

Nintendo DS (in English)

Novel forms of interaction

PlayStation Portable (in English)

'Portable' does not imply 'Limited'

Xbox 360 (in English)

A supercomputer for the rest of us

PlayStation 3 (in English)

A supercomputer from another planet

Wii (in English)

Unique techniques of innovation

8th generation

The entertainment market has now been conquered by cheap smartphones and tablets. Social media capabilities become the first priority of every peripheral. It's time for traditional video-game companies to renovate their status quo, and they better do it quick.

Nintendo 3DS (in English)

Abundant tech, confusing marketing

Wii U (in English)

Innovation under pressure


There are many consoles I could write about... If you are wondering what's next on my list here it is:

Next articles

Retro consoles / In-between the next articles

#### Personal computers repackaged as consoles

Modern consoles / More research needed

Honourable articles / For another series

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